Thursday, August 26, 2010

Overwhelming thoughts, overwhelming emptiness

Just a few hours ago I was hit with such overwhelming thoughts, reading the notes was practically impossible with them subconsciously creeping into me. How do I explain it? It's like I'm reading but after awhile I realise I'm still on the same word because the thoughts took over me subconsciously. Just like that. Right now, the emptiness is so overwhelming, it feels as though.. I can't feel. The only thing I can feel is that there's nothing there.

At least thinking too much allows me to sort the thoughts out through writing or analysis. With this state of blankness there's nothing to do besides lying on the bed, listening to music and hoping the senses will come back. I don't even care if the depressing thoughts will haunt me again.

The only great thing is that the music can finally fill my entire soul, and appreciating the music and lyrics purely for what it is has been made possible. I'm hoping a song will hold a message strong enough to get my mind thinking again. Don't care if those aren't my thoughts.

Anything to get out of this shallow state.

I don't even bloody feel like playing the piano or the guitar, when those were the first things I wanted to do after the exams.

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